Embed LinkedIn widget automatically.

To embed a LinkedIn widget automatically on your website, follow these steps:

1. Use LinkedIn’s Official Plugins

LinkedIn offers various plugins to display content from LinkedIn, such as:

  • Company Profile Widget

  • Follow Button

  • Share Button

  • Jobs Widget

  • Member Profile Widget

Steps to Embed a LinkedIn Widget:

  1. Go to LinkedIn's Plugin Page:

  2. Select the Widget Type:

    • Choose a widget that fits your needs, such as a Company Profile Widget or a Share Button.

  3. Customize the Widget:

    • Enter your LinkedIn company URL or profile URL.

    • Adjust the size, style, and other display options.

  4. Generate Embed Code:

    • Click the Get Code button to generate an iframe or JavaScript snippet.

  5. Paste the Code on Your Website:

    • Insert the provided embed code into your website’s HTML, typically inside the <body> section.

2. Auto-Embed LinkedIn Feeds Using Third-Party Tools

For automatic updates and dynamic content embedding, use tools like:

A. Mashflu

  • Steps:

    1. Sign up on mashflu.

    2. Select LinkedIn as your source.

    3. Connect your LinkedIn account and choose the type of content to display (mentions, company posts, etc.).

    4. Customize the widget’s layout.

    5. Copy and paste the auto-generated embed code into your website.

B. Elfsight

  • Steps:

    1. Go to Elfsight LinkedIn Widget.

    2. Customize your LinkedIn feed display.

    3. Copy the provided embed code.

    4. Paste it into your website to auto-display LinkedIn posts.

3. Embed via LinkedIn API (For Developers)

If you need full customization, use the LinkedIn API to pull data dynamically.

  • Sign up at LinkedIn Developer Portal.

  • Use the LinkedIn Share API or Profile API to fetch content and display it automatically.

  • Implement API authentication (OAuth 2.0) and embed data dynamically.

Which Method Should You Use?

  • For a quick solution → Use LinkedIn’s official plugin.

  • For an automated, visually appealing feed → Use Tagembed or Elfsight.

  • For advanced customization → Use LinkedIn’s API.

Let me know if you need specific integration instructions! ????

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